Factory noise reduction with Flexiwall partitioning

Sector - General Manufacturing Projects
  • Company: Equestrian product manufacturer
  • Location: Staffordshire
  • Overview: Partitioning of space to reduce noise levels for employee welfare
  • Solution: Flexiwall

Flexiwall fabric partition used to make a sound reduction in a working environment


Westgate Global recently worked with a manufacturer of wooden equestrian products, to help reduce noise levels for employee welfare.

A busy production schedule meant employees needed to wear ear plugs for protection against noisy cutting processes, so Westgate Global were approached for a solution to partition the cutting area off from the rest of the building.

Flexiwall is a unique floor-to-ceiling fabric partition that is designed to fit any size and shape of building and will easily install around existing ducts and pipework.

The fabric panels are assembled on-site and suspended to the existing structure or additional fabricated steel work before being tensioned and battened to the floor. This physical barrier, which creates a tight seal to the profile of the building is ideal for reducing noise.