Spaceworks Interiors use Hoardfast to maintain customer experience during shop refurbishment project

Sector: Fit Out & Refurbishment

Company: Spaceworks Interiors Ltd

Location: Furniture store, Plymouth

Overview: Internal hoarding for shop refurbishment

Solution: Hoardfast uPVC

When tasked with refurbishing a leading furniture store in Plymouth city centre, Spaceworks Ltd contacted Westgate Global. The store needed to remain fully operational during the refurbishment to avoid revenue loss and continue serving its customers. The goal was to update the store layout whilst maintaining customer experience.

Creating a safe environment and reducing dust where possible for customers and staff, as well as ensuring that the shop’s aesthetic appeal was maintained throughout, was key to this project’s success. Westgate Global recommended to use Hoardfast uPVC internal hoarding panels to achieve the project’s requirements.

Hoardfast uPVC is a versatile, quick-to-install, and reusable partitioning system, widely used in environments during construction, fit out and refurbishment work. Its modular nature allowed Spaceworks to adjust the panels quickly as needed, accommodating the dynamic requirements of the refurbishment process. Customers also appreciated how clean and professional the environment was, and the clear separation between refurbishment work and shopping areas.

The renovation was completed within the planned timeframe, thanks to the excellent customer service and efficient work processes at Westgate Global.

The internal hoarding panels were fitted with equal foot supports and one weight on the works side (hidden from customer view) to ensure its stability within the busy store environment. The Hoardfast system has a variety of supports for use depending on the project needs and allows for additional weights to be used on the works side, dependent on crowd loading requirements.

The successful use of Hoardfast uPVC by Spaceworks demonstrates the effectiveness compared with traditional hoarding methods. They saved valuable set up time on site and maintained business continuity by enabling the furniture store to continue its operations with minimal disruption. The project highlights the importance of planning, the use of quick-to-install adaptable systems and resulted in minimal disruption – ensuring a positive customer experience whilst the works took place.